Efficient water survey technology in hard rock

We can find ground water where other experts think that it is impossible!

In this video, we demonstrate examples of the using of unconventional complex of geophysical methods for underground water survey in complicated geological settings of rocky regions. As a result of these surveys the all objectives of the projects were successfully resolved.

This technology consists of the following: 1) At the first stage the express radon survey must be carried on in the entire survey area in order to localize faults and allocate the prospective areas associated with them for setting detailed works; 2) At the second stage detailed studies of selected prospective areas are carried out by resonans-acoustic profiling in order to localize fractured zones as the most likely reservoirs for groundwater; 3) At the third stage the fractured zones undergo grading in accordance with their watery by transient electromagnetic method.

This complex of works with a much higher efficiency is performed in a shorter time than it is accepted in the geophysical community. As a result of office analysis the best locations for drilling water wells are chosen.

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